Find the pricing for all of our most common products below. If we’re currently running any promotions or discounts, you can find them here too!
For each referral you send our way and for every $500 you spend with us, we’ll reward you with a $10 credit on your account!
With over 15 years of experience, we know what combination of medication’s / vitamins to get maximum results. We always want safe and effective treatments for the patient and that may look different for each patient.
Dexa Scans provide valuable information for a variety of health and wellness applications, including:
Body Composition Analysis
Health and Fitness Tracking
Bone Health
It is recommended to receive 2 injections weekly. Each injection contains 50 mg of NAD and is administered intramuscularly. Patients have the flexibility to receive these injections twice weekly in-office or take them home for self-administration.
If you’re ready to feel like yourself again, Blue Tree Health can help! We offer comprehensive Austin weight loss programs that are custom-made for you and your goals. On top of that, we also offer body contouring treatments, vitamin shots, and food sensitivity tests. So whether it’s 10 pounds or up to 100 pounds, Blue Tree Health is here to help you lose the weight!