
If you don't find the answers to your questions on this page please give us a call or contact us using our contact form.

Unfortunately, Blue Tree Health does not accept insurance for weight loss at this time.

Why do weight-loss clinics not take health insurance?

Due to the requirements of insurance companies, your insurance rate are likely to increase for a diagnosis of overweight/obesity and become a pre-existing condition attached to your record.

Unless you are undergoing a gastric surgery, Insurance is not accepted at most weight loss clinics.

Lose Weight,
Feel Great.

Get in touch with us about scheduling your appointment

Have you seen us before?

Current Patients

No in-office appointments necessary if you are an established patient. It is done on a walk-in basis.
*If you would like an appointment for accountability purposes please call (512) 456-9969

Your Information

Established Patients: No office appointments necessary.

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